Music tokens, rather than a readymade generator

The tokens provided by MusicTEX are:

Thus, normalshapemediumseries\wh a produces an A (of nominal frequency 222.5 Hz, unless transposed) of duration being a whole note. In the same way, normalshapemediumseries\wh h produces an A (445 Hz) of duration represented by a whole note, normalshapemediumseries\qu c produces a C (250 Hz approx.) whose value is a quarter note with stem up, normalshapemediumseries\cl J produces a C (125 Hz approx.) of duration equal to an eighth note with stem down, etc.

To generate quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc. chords, the macro normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\zq can be used: it produces a quarter note head the vertical position of which is memorized and recalled when another stemmed note (possibly with a hook) is coded; then the stem is adjusted to link all simultaneous notes. Thus, the perfect C-major chord, i.e.

=0000 cegj

is coded normalshapemediumseries\zq cnormalshapemediumseries\zq enormalshapemediumseries\zq gnormalshapemediumseries\qu j or, in a more concise way, normalshapemediumseries\zq{ ceg} normalshapemediumseries\qu j (stem up): in fact, single notes are treated... like one-note chords.